Wrist Xpert 2.4
Alians Fragment Specific Indications: The implants of the Alians Wrist Xpert 2.4 range are intended for hand and forearm fractures, osteotomies and arthrodeses in adults.

Initial S Hand
Initial S Hand Indications The implants of the Initial Sâ„¢ range are intended for the fixation of bone fractures and osteotomies and for arthrodeses of

Alians Ulna
Alians Forearm Forearm Cutting & Compression Device Monoaxial Locking System Ulnar shortening osteotomy plate Rack-and-pinion compression device Ø2.8 mm interfragmentary cortical screw Low-profile locking forearm

Alians Proximal Humerus
Alians Proximal Humerus The implants of the Alians Proximal Humerus range are intended for osteosynthesis of fractures and fractures dislocations, osteotomies and non-unions of the

Alians Elbow
ALIANS ELBOW Distal Humerus & Olecranon Polyaxial Locking Fixation Distal humerus and olecranon plating system Polyaxial locking technology Precontoured implants Indications: Alians Elbow implants are

Alians Clavicle
Alians Clavical Technicals The implants of the Alians Clavicle range are dedicated to the fixation of fractures, mal-unions, non-unions, and osteotomies of the clavicle in

Acrolig Acromioclavicular Stabilization
Acromioclavicular Stabilization Indications: In new lesions where it will maintain reduction during the period of ligament healing and assure secondary reinforcement. In chronic lesions where