Wrist Xpert 2.4
Alians Fragment Specific Indications: The implants of the Alians Wrist Xpert 2.4 range are intended for hand and forearm fractures, osteotomies and arthrodeses in adults.

Kemis Knives
KEMIS® Indications: the knives of the Kemis® range are single-use manual minimally-invasive percutaneous knives, for transient use to cut soft tissues during surgical procedures. Contraindications:

Initial S Hand
Initial S Hand Indications The implants of the Initial Sâ„¢ range are intended for the fixation of bone fractures and osteotomies and for arthrodeses of

Initial S Foot
Initial S Foot Indications: The implants of the Initial Sâ„¢ range are intended for the fixation of bone fractures and osteotomies and for arthrodeses of

Footmotion Plating System
Footmotion Plating System Indications: The Footmotion Plating System is intended for arthrodeses, fractures and osteotomies fixation and revision surgeries of the foot in adults. Contraindications:

Calcan Heal
Calcan Heal Indications: The implants of the Footmotion Plating System are intended for arthrodeses, fractures and osteotomies fixation and revision surgeries of the foot in

Axoguard Nerve Protector
Axoguard Nerve Protector the only small intestine submucosa (SIS) implant designed to protect injured and compressed nerves up to 40 mm Key Advantages: Protects and

Axoguard Nerve Cap
Axoguard Nerve Cap proprietary SIS matrix designed to reduce the development of symptomatic or painful neuromas Key Advantages: Protects and isolates Reduces the development of

Axogen Nerve Grafts
Advance Nerve Graft the only off-the-shelf biologically active processed human nerve allograft intended for the surgical repair of peripheral nerve discontinuities Key Advantages: Structural support

Axogaurd Nerve Connectors
Axogen Nerve Connectors semi-translucent coaptation aid designed for Connector-Assisted Repair® (CAR) of transected nerves up to 5 mm Key Advantages: CAR alleviates tension and inflammation

Alians Ulna
Alians Forearm Forearm Cutting & Compression Device Monoaxial Locking System Ulnar shortening osteotomy plate Rack-and-pinion compression device Ø2.8 mm interfragmentary cortical screw Low-profile locking forearm

Alians Proximal Humerus
Alians Proximal Humerus The implants of the Alians Proximal Humerus range are intended for osteosynthesis of fractures and fractures dislocations, osteotomies and non-unions of the

Alians Elbow
ALIANS ELBOW Distal Humerus & Olecranon Polyaxial Locking Fixation Distal humerus and olecranon plating system Polyaxial locking technology Precontoured implants Indications: Alians Elbow implants are

Alians Clavicle
Alians Clavical Technicals The implants of the Alians Clavicle range are dedicated to the fixation of fractures, mal-unions, non-unions, and osteotomies of the clavicle in

ActivMotion S-DTO
Activmotion S-DFO Indications: the implants of the Activmotion S DTO range are intended for bone reconstruction of the ankle joint in adults, including fixation of

Activmotion S HTO/DFO Technical Features: The implants of the Activ range are intended for high tibial osteotomy in adults. Implant well-suited to knee biomechanics: positioning

Activ Ankle
Distal & Diaphyseal Fibula Indications: The implants of the Activ Ankle range are intended for the fixation of fractures, osteotomies and pseudarthroses of the distal