Footmotion Plating System
The Footmotion Plating System is intended for arthrodeses, fractures and osteotomies fixation and revision surgeries
of the foot in adults.
- Serious vascular deterioration, bone devitalization
- Pregnancy
- Acute or chronic local or systemic infections
- Lack of musculo-cutaneous cover, severe vascular deficiency affecting the concerned area
- Insufficient bone quality preventing a good fixation of the implants into the bone
- Muscular deficit, neurological deficiency or behavioral disorders, which could submit the implant to abnormal mechanical strains
- Allergy to one of the materials used or sensitivity to foreign bodies
- Serious problems of non-compliance, mental or neurological disorders, failure to follow post-operative care recommendations
- Unstable physical and/or mental condition
Isolated Lisfranc Arthrodesis Plates
(Examples of application: osteoarthritis, fracture, Lisfranc joint dislocation, fracture/ dislocation after-effects)

Medical Lisfranc Arthrodesis Plates
(Example of application: structural instability)

Straight Plates

Open Base Wedge Osteotomy Plates
(Example of application: severe hallux valgus)