Axogen Nerve Connectors
semi-translucent coaptation aid designed for Connector-Assisted Repair® (CAR)
of transected nerves up to 5 mm
Key Advantages:
CAR alleviates tension and inflammation at the critical zone of regeneration6,7
Disperses tension across repair site Moves suture inflammation away from coaptation
CAR is a clinically proven alternative to direct suture repair6
Reduces the risk of forced fascicular mismatch Aids alignment of nerve ends
Reduces the potential for axonal escape
Vascularizes and remodels
mall intestine submucosa (SIS) incorporates into the patient’s own tissue, creating a physical barrier to surrounding soft tissue6,8
Supports natural wound healing
Intra-operative versatility
Available in a variety of lengths and diameters to meet a range of anatomical needs
Reinforces the coaptation site of direct, graft, or cable graft repairs
Off-the-shelf option, stored at room temperature with a minimum 18-month shelf life
Market Leader
Increased Likelyhood
of pain at the coaptation site when primary suture is used versus CAR with various conduits6
Porcine SIS Material
Meaningful recovery
offers excellent flexibility and is
semi-translucent compared to opaque competitive collagen products
Option for 0mm to 5mm

Options for 5mm to 70mm+