Axoguard Nerve Protector
Axoguard Nerve Protector the only small intestine submucosa (SIS) implant designed to protect injured and compressed nerves up to 40 mm Key Advantages: Protects and

Axoguard Nerve Cap
Axoguard Nerve Cap proprietary SIS matrix designed to reduce the development of symptomatic or painful neuromas Key Advantages: Protects and isolates Reduces the development of

Axogen Nerve Grafts
Advance Nerve Graft the only off-the-shelf biologically active processed human nerve allograft intended for the surgical repair of peripheral nerve discontinuities Key Advantages: Structural support

Axogaurd Nerve Connectors
Axogen Nerve Connectors semi-translucent coaptation aid designed for Connector-Assisted Repair® (CAR) of transected nerves up to 5 mm Key Advantages: CAR alleviates tension and inflammation