Distal Humerus & Olecranon
Polyaxial Locking Fixation
- Distal humerus and olecranon plating system
- Polyaxial locking technology
- Precontoured implants
Alians Elbow implants are dedicated to the fixation of fractures, osteotomies and pseudarthroses of the distal humerus and proximal ulna.

- Pregnancy
- Acute or chronic, local or systemic infections
- Lack of musculo-cutaneous cover, severe vascular deficiency touching the focus
- Insufficient bone quality preventing a good fixation of the screws into the bone
- Muscular deficit, neurological deficiency or behavioural disorders which could submit the osteosynthesis to abnormal mechanical strains
- Foreign body sensitivity or allergy to one of the materials used
- Patients with mental or neurological conditions who are unwilling or incapable of following post-operative care instructions
- Patients with poor physical condition and/or mental instability.